
  • 镜头聚焦在一个名叫巴德(Leigh McCormack 饰)的男孩身上,巴德很早就失去了父亲,和母亲(Marjorie Ya…
  • 镇上的居民被一个不明身份的武装团伙抓获。他们开始在人类身上做实验,但由于一些不稳定的情况,实验失败了。因此…
  •   一群不明真相的村民被一伙神秘的武装份子绑架至山地进行屠杀。大屠杀的幸存者阿文和埃伊拉奋力逃进山后的一个…
  •   Bekir, dreams of going to the moon by his bicycle just like the kid he saw o…
  •   What many are saying is the most disturbing film of 2018, Watch if you Dare …
  •   Umut, a young man who is mute but not deaf, finds out that his mother has be…
  •   When Marcus, a down and out struggling filmmaker goes on a search for his mi…
  • 本片讲述了上世界70年代的纽约,这里正是摇滚乐的黄金年代,朋克、嘻哈和迪斯科,伴随着性和毒品风靡一时。一个唱…