
  • Also new to the slate is recently completed Australian title Rough Stuff, an action-adventure story about …
  • Famed rock and roll guitarist Johnny Thunders arrives in New Orleans to get his life together after a toll…
  • 影片设定在纽约市,故事围绕着一位名叫Leroy Green的有理想有抱负的青年武术家展开,他渴望像李小龙那样达到武术…
  • 一个男人在湖中寻找杀死他丈夫的怪物,而那个怪物爱上了一个毫无戒心的游客。
  • 2014年北美最卖座电影《银河护卫队》正式宣布了启动动画剧集版《Marvel"s Guardians of the Ga…
  • 珍妮、瑪麗雅和潔西卡三人從小情同姊妹,曾讓遊樂園的占卜師-「愛情夫人」為她們的友誼見證,許下彼此成為戀愛命…
  • A father must protect his estranged son from the outside world when the boy accurately predicts three end-…
  • 在一个西西里岛的小镇,镇长的竞选临近。这个小镇由充满欺诈的Gaetano Patanè领导了多年,他现在准备用各种欺骗…